Wednesday 22 June 2016

Shark 5 in 1 Lift Away Steam Mop Review: S390

Shark 5 in 1 Lift Away Steam Mop Review: S390 was first published to:

Shark Steam Mop


Shark 5 in 1 Lift Away Steam Mop Professional Steam Pocket S3901 is an improved version of the Shark  2 in 1 Lift Away Steam Mop S3901.

The [easyazon_link identifier="B005GPVN5K" locale="UK" tag="articles07c-21"]Shark Lift-Away Professional Steam Pocket Mop - S3901[/easyazon_link] is highly talked about especially for its ability to save you time in completing domestic cleaning jobs.

  • As the name implies, the Shark lift-away steam pocket 5 in 1 performs many tasks. A number of  Shark 5 in 1 steam mop reviews say it can be used as a steam cleaner and as a handheld cleaner.
  • The word Lift means that you can literally lift away the handheld device and use it do the heavy task of lifting away dirt and grime to sanitize your surfaces.
  • The Shark S3901 Lift Away  5 in 1 - 2 in 1 can clean windows, floors, freshen carpets and steam garments to remove any creases. This is also great for curtains and revitalizing your upholstery.
  • The Shark lift away pro steam mop in 1 has three settings to accommodate most types of floors even delicate ones. For delicate flooring like laminate and wood you can set the gadget to low levels of the dusting setting and your floors will be done. For other types of floor surfaces, you can all the setting.[easyazon_cta align="none" identifier="B005GPVN5K" key="wide-orange" locale="UK" tag="articles07c-21"]

Shark Lift Away Steam Mop 5 in 1 Video

Some Shark buyers have even referred this Shark Steam Mop s3901 it as a domestic cleaning system but does it live up to what it says on the tin? Let's find out as you scroll down the page.

Shark Lift Away Steam Mop 5 in 1 Reviews: S3091

Although Shark comes as one sturdy standing gadget, the Shark Lift Away steam mop S3901 is actually a floor mop and a handheld cleaner.

  • It has nine hand-held attachments that give you the ultimate functionality that enables you to clean almost everywhere in the house.
  • Shark S3901 has a two sided base pad that in effect cleans your surfaces twice as much with just one swipe.
  • Many Shark 5 in 1 steam mop reviews will point out that it has a flip in the base that swings the cleaner 180 degrees which somehow directs the gadget to where you want it to face. This means that you don’t have to twist your hand when working through table legs or other awkward places that are hard to reach.
  • With the Shark lift away pro steam mop , there is no need of sanitising chemical detergents because the vapour jet has the ability to destroy 99.9% of germs and bacteria.

Why Buy Shark Lift Away Steam Mop 5 in 1 S3901 Cleaner?

Does this Shark steam mop clean carpets? Reviews

The Shark 5 in 1  detachable handheld device sanitizes:

  • Shelves.
  • Cupboards.
  • Cooker tops.
  • Taps, sinks and literally all surfaces in your house to give you that spectacular clean.

This Shark S3901 has a component that enables you to refresh the carpet, place your cleaner head on this component and the gadget starts gliding over the carpet to freshen it. However the

The Shark lift-away steam pocket 5 in 1 is not a carpet cleaner.  It only freshens carpets but does not actually clean them, it cleans the carpet to release any smells but the difference is hard to miss. The Shark S3901 carpet glider enables you to freshen your carpets. The gadget has a sizable base that will enable you to cover large areas and make light work of your cleaning chores.

Shark Steam Mop Review

Key Features

The Shark lift away steam mop 5 in 1  features in our top ten best cleaners because of its varied qualities. Let us review some of these qualities:

For starters, the Shark S3901 - 2 in 1 is easy to assemble. Just follow the straight forward instructions on the manual and you will be ready to go. Once you have assembled the gadget, you realise that the detachable handheld cleaner comes out easily at the touch of a button.

It has double sided steam pockets to give you an extra clean. The 300 milliliter (0.3l) water tank heats up in just 30 seconds to give you approximately 15-20 minutes of use depending the settings you have applied.

The flat microfibre pads are machine washable. You can therefore re-use them until they are worn out. A new Shark 2 in 1 Lift Away S3901 normally comes with 2 extra pads for your use. When the microfibre pads run out, place an order with JML, the manufacture of the Shark 2 in 1 for replacements.


The Shark Mop - 5 in 1 accessories include:

  • a scrubber head,
  • a normal head,
  • an extension for the horse,
  • a nozzle tool to tackle grouse and hidden crevices,
  • a refilling jug,
  • double sided pockets,
  • a brush for detailed scrubbing, and a window cleaning squeegee.
  • A carpet glider and a Shark 2 in 1 tote bag.

The winner for me is the long electric code, 7 metres long.  There is nothing good as fixing your plug on a socket and work your way around the house without shifting and moving the socket cables across the house to access your room. With 7 meters you can comfortably work through two of your rooms.

Although the Shark 5 in 1 lift away steam cleaner comes is a heavy 8 kilogram box, the  5 in one steam mop is a handy 3.1 kgs and therefore easy to store, it has a bar pressure of 2 bar. This steam pocket 5 in 1 mop is a real fighter when it comes to tackling dust and grime even in hard to reach areas especially for hard flooring. For good results, select more steam in hard surfaces and light dusting for delicate flooring like laminate.


For the water tank, it is recommended to use filtered water, however a number of people report using tap water without any problems. I guess it is down to where you live, if you live in places where there is hard water, it will be wise to stick with the recommended filtered water and stay away from tap water. Hard water tends to clog things up. By the way in case you do not have filtered water, you can use a calgon solvent with your tap water to soften your Shark steam mop.

Click here to download Shark Lift Away Pro Steam Pocket S3901 Manual


  • It is sturdy and well built cleaner.
  • It comes with clothes that fit nicely at the base of the gadget. These microfibre covers are very effective because they can be used with most of the settings.
  • In addition to the long microfibre filaments the 5 in one steam mop has two sided head to aid your cleaning.
  • It dries surfaces super fast.
  • Variable setting that give you flexibility depending on what you want to do (scrub, swab or dust).
  • Intelligent attachment swivels that flow smoothly as you swipe along without the need to turn your wrist.
  • Kills 99.9% of germs on your surfaces without the need for chemicals.
  • It is less messy; the floor dries up in a minute or less. It is also a great time saver.


  • The water reservoir is relatively small; it needs constant refilling if you are working on large areas. On high settings, the water clears out quickly.
  • You will need to change the covers of the Shark lift-away steam pocket 5 in 1 mop cleaner after every few months.
  • The detail brush is quite handy in cleaning hidden places but you are only supplied with one. This means that the brush will give way soon and you will be forced to order new ones from Amazon or Shark site.
  • It is not very effective on unglazed tiles.
  • To clear out grout will need some good old elbow grease, so it’s not as hands off as some would want it: to have to occasionally do some hand wiping/ scrubbing to get all the exceptional results especially with grout.
  • The handheld cleaner requires you to hold down the steam button which means that both your hands are kept busy, one hand holding the switch button and the other holding the detached handheld cleaner. This is a hindrance because you need at least one free hand to work through the cleaning while the other hand holds the handheld cleaner.
  • The Shark 5 in 1 lift away steam cleaner replacement pads are relatively pricey; however, you may not think of replacing for at least a year on average standard usage.
  • The handheld cleaner may at times lose steam if you tilt it upwards when the water is not full. This makes cleaning hidden areas like toilet rims difficult.

Shark Lift Away 5 in 1 Steam Cleaner Reviews :Overall Verdict

As you might have probably realised, there is a lot going for this gadget. No doubt it is considered a high end product. This [easyazon_link identifier="B005GPVN5K" locale="UK" tag="articles07c-21"]Shark Lift-Away Portable Professional Pocket 5 in 1 S3901- 2 in 1[/easyazon_link] has consistently been approved by prominent consumer research based companies like Good Housekeeping.

  • It produces steady hot vapour that spreads evenly to only give you gleaming floor surfaces but a spectacularly looking finish as well.
  • Buyers who have purchased this cleaner recommend it to friends and relatives. You can buy with assurance because according to our research, this is a quality  product that is reliable, versatile and effective.[easyazon_cta align="right" cloak="n" identifier="B009K4HOD8" key="wide-orange" locale="UK" localize="y" nw="n" nf="y" tag="buy-now0e2-21"]

Click to check the current [easyazon_link identifier="B005GPVN5K" locale="UK" tag="articles07c-21"]Shark 5 in 1  steam cleaner price[/easyazon_link].

What do you think about the Shark Lift Away Steam Mop Portable Pocket 5 in 1 S3901 - 2 in 1 Cleaner?

Related: Beldray 5 in 1 steam mop - bel0182 reviews.

from Best Steam Mop UK 2016 Reviews & Carpet Cleaner Reviews - Feed

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